Phisical Psience ΦΨ

Google Search Result Analytics and Apparent Manipulation Leading to Deceptive Page Popularity

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The following comments and images are in reference to what appears to be willful human intervention of search results at Google, relative to Phisical Psience ΦΨ. The nature of the apparent, and conscience human manipulation being in direct contrast to the actual website statistics. The realtime website activity at Phisical Psience ΦΨ being openly shared with Google on a per page basis via the inclusion of Google provided Java script. The actual search results produced on Google for Phisical Psience ΦΨ, grossly failing to properly reflect in an honest and accurate manner, the correct website active, and or page popularity, in proportion to other, self competing web pages at Phisical Psience ΦΨ. Such overreaching and obvious lack of concurrence between the actually website actively log for Phisical Psience ΦΨ and website ranking provided by the Google Search Engine results, being highly suspect, with questionable validity.

Some of the web site pages being adversly effected at Phisical Psience ΦΨ, but not limited too, are;

US NAVY - Tumblehome Hull - USS Zumwalt, DDG-1000, Fall 2007. Maneuvering and sea worthiness scaled model test and video, complied in Fall 2007. US NAVY - Tumblehome Hull - DDG-1000, Zumwalt Class Destroyer

Chinese Maritime Expansion into the East and South China Seas From the Perspective of Historic Cartographic Records for the Region, Vessel and Navigation Limits. Chinese Maritime Expansion into the East and South China Seas

Taosi Astronomical Observatory (Solar) 陶寺观象台 (Táosi Guānxiàngtài) Excavation Site IIFJT1, Shanxi Province 山西省 (Shānxī Shěng), China. Alternative Method for Precise Biǎo (表), Gnomon, Usage for Determining the Location and Timing of the Sun's Azimuthal Bearing and Elevation Angle

Air Pollution Images and Video of Mainland China, Taiwan and South Korea. Air Pollution in China (PRC), Taiwan (ROC), and South Korea (ROK)

Solar Eclipse (Annular), Crater Lake National Park - 20 May 2012. Simple Viewing and Photographic Techniques used for the Annular Solar Eclipse, Crater Lake National Park, Oregon - 20 May 2012

Apparent Sea Launch Ballistic Missile, Southern California, 08 Nov 2010. Apparent "mystery launch" of a ballistic missile off the coast of southern California on 08 Nov 2010. California Mystery Missile - 08 Nov 2010

     The following image being the Phisical Psience ΦΨ website activity log for the last 500 visitors.

Statcounter website activity log for last 500 page veiws at Phisical Psience ΦΨ

     Review of search engine results for Phisical Psience on 30 May 2016 shows that there are no image results although images provide by Phisical Psience are posted on many websites in the United States and abroad. The direct human manipulation of the results for Phisical Psience being improperly conducted if not criminal for Google is a publically traded company that is using its dominating position on the internet to cause harm to Phisical Psience and associates (former US Navy). The principle purpose being to protect usurpation and subversion of the United States of America by the RICO Act fraud Mr. Obama for which Google's criminal leadership promotes and protects (furtherance), for I am aiding the prosecuting team that will convict the leadership at Google. The guilty leadership at Google along with current and past members of the Board of Directors (Google and ABC), to eventually be arrested and convicted by "oath bound" stakeholder patriots of the Unites States of America and executed, their ashes disposed of at sea.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 27 Apr 2016 with an intent to harm

     Review of search engine results for Phisical Psience on 28 Apr 2016 shows that there is a constant and criminal effort to use Google (alphabet) and publicly listed company, to cause harm to individuals. The activity in general being of a malicious nature towards those not in concurrence with Google's criminal objects to include the protecting and promoting of usurpation and treason against the citizens and nation of the United States of America.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 27 Apr 2016 with an intent to harm

     If Google is not attempting to cause harm to Phisical Psience to include the illegal manipulating of search results to harm the individual responsible for Phisical Psience are shamelessly and per charges claimed by other are giving preference in search results to material related to Google, pushing Google related content, irrespective of how the material is ranked in search results.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 27 Apr 2016 with preference given to Google related content

     As one can see from the image search results collected on 09 Mar 2016, the principle effort on behalf of the staff at Google, the parent company called Alphabet, is to intentionally steer people away from phicisal psience. The name phicial psience for one should not be construted as an incorrect spelling being the name of a domain and has been for over 5 years. Google knowning such bacic facts from the goolge analysiticals attached to the html code.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 09 Mar 2016

     Below is the image search result collected on 14 Apr 2016 for phisical psience and shared with Google. The complete lack of any viable URL links being an act of willful manipulated on the part of Google such that the behavior displayed is not only discriminatory and anti American, but perhaps a violating of my civil rights and other federal laws. Such actions by Google more proof of their non American ways and mindset that is pervasive within the corporate leadership, the actions being more indications that teen and adult immigrants bring their social problems and perverted understandings of American freedom and liberty to this nation, then impose such perversions upon the stakeholders of this nation. That such immigrants as those leading Google should leave the United States of America, the sooner the better it will be for the good citizens of this nation.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 14 Apr 2016

     The following image being the Google Analytics Java script for Phisical Psience ΦΨ.

Google Analytics Java script for Phisical Psience ΦΨ, and included on each web page

     The following image being the Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012. Note how the leading and third most popular self competing web sites at Phisical Psience ΦΨ are omitted from the initial Google search results, under the search string "Phisical Psience". The topics and website pages being omitted from the Google search, though legitimate and correct, being sensitive to some, select parties in the White House, National Security Council, Defense Department, and US Navy.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012

     The following image being the results of the Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012 after clicking the link for the "More results from" URL link. Note how the leading and third most popular self competing web sites at Phisical Psience ΦΨ are still omitted from the Google search results, as though a willful and calculated effort is being conducted regarding the public search results for the string "Phisical Psience". The information being shared on the Phisical Psience ΦΨ website pages being relevant in the formulating of critical thought regarding high value National Security Issues.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012, first page

     The following image being the last results page of the Google Search for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012 after clicking the link for the "More results from" URL link. Note how the leading and third most popular self competing web sites at Phisical Psience ΦΨ are listed near the very bottom of the Google search results, as though a willful and calculated effort is being conducted regarding the public search results for the string "Phisical Psience". An apparent attempt by Google to willfully limit public exposure of the two web sites in question.

Google Search Result for Phisical Psience ΦΨ as of 16 Sep 2012, last page

     Google appearing to unilaterally attempt to limit public knowledge, via search result manipulation, that which will stimulate differing views of understanding regarding the approach to US National Security. Some of which, not specifically shared on this site, being contrary to the desires of specific members of the political establishment along with some of the larger defense contractors, here in the USA and abroad. Most all of the resistance predicated on the complete lack of hands on personal knowledge with resects to the systems or events being challenged, convoluted with an insure desires to hide personal lack of experience and education with such topic matters, confusing opinion for competence. Most inside the "Beltway" never once in their lives "having been there, done that".

     Myself being one of the World's foremost Weapons Grade, and Naval Laser Weapon Systems Analyst. Being perhaps the only person in the field with the following experiences such as having been Helm Certified to steer a 3,400 ton 413 foot warship, to having once been a US Navy Fire Control Tech with experience not limited to M2 50 cal., Mk56, Mk 86, Mk 99, and Phalanx CIWS, to having been in very severe maritime conditions with sea states in excess of Class 8 for the given region of the world in which such military systems would most likely be fielded, to having been in various military rotorcraft mid-air transfers with a deployed ship at sea, to taking off from the fight deck of a carrier, to having both stick and rudder time on prop and jet aircraft, to being an Experimental Physicist today and current World Record Holder for Brightest Quasi CW Single Stage Solid State Weapons Grade Laser, former NASA fellow, having worked at the largest telescope in the world Keck Observatory, to servicing ground based KH-11, to propagating high power and high energy lasers at exoatomospheric objects in orbit, to assisting with the building and testing of orbiting flight hardware, to physically inspecting many of the self and non self propelled projectiles targeted while in flight with the METHEL COIL laser, to being the Process Engineering Manager for the Optics and Laser Sensor Products Center and group providing oversight for the ABL COIL laser, and IRAD author "Naval Weapon Systems Analysis" for Directed Energy Systems (DES), Northrop Grumman, Aerospace Sector.

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